
Balboa spa control panel error codes f2
Balboa spa control panel error codes f2

If your spa is not overheating and you are getting the above error codes then a couple of things need to be investigated.


Then re-start the hot tub, if the error code goes away, the problem was either a dirty filter (clean or replace) or too many jets were closed off.

balboa spa control panel error codes f2

If however you have the fault then the first thing to do is shut the spa down, do not empty, remove the filter and make sure all the jets are open (as best you can). Rule number 1 is to always fill the hot tub after a drain down by placing the hose pipe in the filter housing suction fitting (remove filter) this fills the hot tub from inside to outside, rather than placing the hose pipe in tub, (this fills outside to inside) and is the primary cause of FLO errors. The fundamental reason is water flow through the spa control system, if the water is not flowing at a rate to satisfy the switch, it will result in one of the error codes above. These error codes are caused by a variety of reasons. These codes are related to flow issues or the pressure switch/flow switch and are by far the most common error codes. SL = Sleep mode Brett Aqualine Control Systems for Spas or Hot Tubs: SE = Spa operating in Standard-in-Economy Mode. (Displays when first powered up after refill). ILOC = Interlock failure - possible pump or ozone spike. Pr = When spa is first actuated, it will go into Priming Mode. (Displays on third occurrence of "dr" message). Heater is shut down, but other spa functions run normally.ĭr = Inadequate water detected in heater.ĭry = Inadequate water detected in heater. (Displays on the 5th occurrence of "HFL" message with 24 hours). HFL = Substantial difference between temperature sensors detected. If display shows only this message (blinking) spa is shut down. If alternating with temp, may be temporary condition. Sensor plugged into jack B is not working. Sensor plugged into jack A is not working. ICE = Potential freeze condition has been detected One sensor has detected 110✯.įlo = Improper flow or pressure switch malfunction Pd = Power supply, unit running on battery backup

Balboa spa control panel error codes f2