You could have described the awesome Geometry Wars 2 with similar praise, and that game's best modes are represented once again, all under the guise of "Classic Mode." Evolved is a time-honored tradition among shooter-lovers and loses little of its chaotic seductiveness.

All the while, the soundtrack recalls Jan Hammer and Daft Punk, forcing you ever onward while giving even the early seconds of each level a sense of nervous urgency. This dual-stick shooter controls like a dream, responding to your nudges and wiggles with exceptional grace. Yet while the promise of gloating over your friends is primary to Geometry Wars 3's appeal, that appeal would be diminished were the action itself not so refined. Numerical goals are always visible on screen, and should a level end before you meet your challenge, it's quick and easy to restart the stage and try again. You react to events before you understand them, yet there is a miniscule segment of your gray matter always devoted to the score you hope to reach. Your brain and your thumbs are fully engaged with the process of mowing them down to the point that mind and muscle become one. Green diamonds, yellow arrows, purple pinwheels, and all sorts of other geometric structures swarm you from every side, each shape following a particular pattern through space. You use the left stick on your controller to move your minimalist vessel across the playing grid you use the right to shoot a constant stream of projectiles in whatever direction you push.

As you work your way through the single-player progression or toy around with the returning modes from Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 and its predecessor, your focus may be on the onscreen fireworks display, but it's the promise of rising up the leaderboards that compels you. Geometry Wars 3 is about that endless quest to best friends and strangers. By day, we are friends and peers by night, we participate in a grueling display of one-upsmanship and vain preening, working to best each others' Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions scores.

The higher number belongs to a colleague at another publication. I am staring at two numbers in the millions, one of which is higher than the other. It is 2:00 a.m., my right thumb is sore and my brain is fried, yet I cannot sleep-not just yet.